Be stronger, braver and pinker with Race For Life Milton Keynes
Posted 9th January 2017
Milton Keynes women are being urged to get the New Year off to a great start by signing up now to Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life 2017.
The charity is calling on women of all shapes and sizes to show cancer who’s boss by choosing their event – Race for Life 5k, 10k or Pretty Muddy – and committing to take part at Campbell Park and Willen Lake this summer.
Although many see January as the perfect opportunity to start a new chapter in terms of health and fitness, motivation can slip as the cold weather drags on.
That’s where Race for Life comes in. The 5k and 10k events will take place on Sunday 11th June and Pretty Muddy will take place on Saturday 10 September so women who sign up now will be creating their own compelling goal to aim for later in the year, when the warmer weather makes staying on the sofa less tempting.
Cara Waller, Cancer Research UK’s Milton Keynes Event Manager, said: “Signing up to take part in Race for Life is a great way for women of all ages to commit to get a little more active.
“Race for Life events are non-competitive. Taking part is not about being fit or fast and participants can choose to walk, jog, or run around the course. The atmosphere is incredibly supportive.
“Pledging to take part, alongside thousands of like minded women, can be a great incentive to get fitter. Planning to raise money for life-saving research could prove more of a goal to get up and get moving than the usual New Year’s resolution to shift the post-Christmas pounds.”
One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives, but the good news is more people are surviving the disease now than ever before. Survival rates have doubled since the early 1970s.
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring women-only series of 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and marathon events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer sooner.
Last year, Race for Life Pretty Muddy took place for the first time in Milton Keynes. The new women-only, non-competitive 5k obstacle course – with mud – received a whole-hearted welcome from the thousands of women who took part.
Thanks to their enthusiasm, this exciting event will be returning and organisers are urging women to secure their place as soon as possible.
Cara continued: “We’re delighted to be able to bring Pretty Muddy back to Milton Keynes as it’s a fantastic addition to our Race for Life family of events. It has all the fun and camaraderie of our much loved 5k and 10k events but with added obstacles and, of course, mud.
“Women can complete the Pretty Muddy course at their own pace, climbing, jumping, walking and laughing their way around. It’s about women of all ages, shapes and sizes tackling obstacles together.”
Last year, over 4600 women took part in Race for Life in Milton Keynes and raised a fantastic £306,000. This year, organisers need 4800 women and girls to stride out to help raise even more.
Money raised through Race for Life allows Cancer Research UK’s doctors, nurses and scientists to advance research which is helping to save the lives of men, women and children across Buckinghamshire.
Cara continued: “We’re calling on the brave ladies of Milton Keynes to harness their fighting spirit once more and really show cancer whose boss.
“Race for Life is an amazing way to celebrate everyone we love who has survived cancer. It’s also an emotional and moving way to pay tribute to those dear to us whose lives have been cut short by the disease.
“Our participants make Race for Life a truly uplifting, inspiring experience. That’s why we’re calling on women of all ages to sign up now to their event in Milton Keynes and pledge to stand together, shoulder to shoulder, on the front line against cancer. Together, we can unleash a powerful fighting spirit to stop cancer in its tracks.”
To enter Race for Life today visit or call 0300 123 0770.