Can Your Business Help to Educate the Employees of the Future?
Posted 24th October 2017
Action4Youth, a leading charity providing positive, often transformational experiences to motivate children and young people, has launched a new initiative, The Inspiration Programme. The charity is keen to hear from leading employers across Milton Keynes that can support the programme in educating a talented future workforce.
The NCFE accredited one year course is being piloted in 2017/18 with students from Milton Keynes Academy and Aylesbury College. The Business element of the programme aims to provide an understanding of the workplace, how businesses operate and will help define career choices and better prepare young people for work.
One element of the course is a speed networking session, where students will meet representatives from a range of business sectors in quick succession, in order to help students to understand the diverse range of career paths available to them and to realise the importance of making a good first impression.
We will also be asking students to complete a development project, where working in teams, they will take on different roles to design and develop the idea for a new mobile application. The students must then plan the route to market and prepare supporting documentation to demonstrate the rationale behind their idea. The teams must also estimate the cost of developing the app and devise a marketing plan. Industry experts will be on hand during these sessions to offer advice and recommendations to the students.
The final part of the six-week business course will be interview practise, with students embarking on role play with one another and potential employers. Apprentices and newly employed graduates will also talk to students about their own experiences of the transition from student to employee.
Local businesses already signed up to support the programme include video media agency Movey, The Parks Trust, Hillier Hopkins and Yellow Yoyo.
Dr Philip Smith MBE, Chair of Milton Keynes Business Leaders Partnership (MKBLP) and supporter of Action4Youth, explains: “Businesses are crying out for employees that are well prepared for working life, upon completion of their education. Action4Youth needs our help in making The Inspiration Programme as successful and as closely matched to the needs of local business as it can possibly be.
“From providing an hour or two of your time to take part in speed networking sessions, to supporting students with interview preparation, I would encourage businesses from across Milton Keynes to get on board and offer their support.”
For further information about Action4Youth and The Inspiration Programme and to get involved in the Business Course email, telephone 0300 003 2334, visit, or find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.