Newport Pagnell is the Best of British
Posted 20th July 2019

I’m always so proud of Newport Pagnell and being driven through town in our carnival parade, courtesy of local motor company Aston Martin, gave me a special view of our townsfolk as they lined the route. The theme of our 59th carnival was the “Best of British” and was a celebration of many aspects of British culture. Many of those cheering the parade have lived here a long time, but I know others were new to town and experiencing it for the first time.
In June, the town council hosted our Vintage Day, which remembered the positive stories of the mid-century period when Britain was at war. This year that event also considered the role of our allies and hence other nations’ flags flew alongside the union and St. George crosses that decorate our town centre all year, except during the Christmas Lights.
I think it’s good that we remember our past and I love being in town that is visibly patriotic, but the real best of Britain is in the community and how we come together for common good. One small example during last month was the way town reacted when a group of vandals damaged the “Fairy House” in Ousebank gardens. This is half a tree trunk laying on its side with doors and windows fixed so our youngest residents can knock to see if the fairies are at home. A message went out on the town Facebook group, and residents gathered on the Sunday afternoon to move the house, which weighed about as much as a car, into a safe position.
Whether it’s organising a carnival, managing a Facebook Group, participating in the Vintage Day or volunteering for the Christmas lights, members of this community show they are the best of British again and again and again.
Ousebank Gardens, along with most other parks and play areas in town transferred from MK Council to the Town Council on 1 July and I’d like to hear from any resident who has ideas about how we could make better use of these spaces or improve them. That is all part our the Town Councils’ vision to Look after Newport Pagnell as a place people want to live, work and visit; to Promote health and wellbeing for Newport Pagnell residents of all ages; and create a safer and cleaner environment.
Councillor Paul Day, Mayor of Newport Pagnell (@PaulDayMK on social media).