Ousedale school opens art gallery and wellbeing centre for students
Posted 20th August 2021
Ousedale School have recently opened The Carbert Gallery and Wellbeing Centre which is an extremely valuable addition to the support they are able to offer their students.

In May 2020, Sue Carbert, (former Headteacher) outlined her idea at a Governors meeting for an Art Gallery and Wellbeing Centre. Her idea led to discussions with architects and it was David Coles Architects who took her idea and turned it into what can be seen today.
Over the last few years, the number of students who attend Ousedale School with more complex special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) has increased, it is in this area that Sue developed the final piece of the project; a sensory garden.
She said; “I thought the courtyard itself could become a calm, quiet place for reflection, but also support those students with particular SEND needs.”
Dave Moulson, Chair of Governors added: “From the initial concept the project grew to be a gallery, SEND sensory space and a wellbeing centre.
“Little did we know at the time, how fitting this facility could be for dealing with the fallout from the Covid crisis. The Governing Board have donated a bench to be used in the wellbeing centre.
“Following discussions with Governors it was decided that it would be appropriate to name the gallery after Sue Carbert.
“The project has grown from Sue’s initial plans and it is fitting that after 18 years at the school and 10 years as Headteacher, we should recognise the years of dedication to Ousedale by naming the facility after her.”

The art gallery features a range of artwork from current and alumni students, as well as a commissioned piece called The Release of Promise by local artist Steve Urwin, donated to the gallery by Sue Carbert.
The introduction of the wellbeing centre will make a huge difference to the lives of students.
Claire Penny, Senior Assistant Headteacher said; “The challenges of the year have had a detrimental impact on the wellbeing of a number of students and alongside this, we have also been extremely limited in our ability to draw upon external agencies. Therefore, to have full time, onsite wellbeing support in such a welcoming environment is invaluable.”
A Year 13 student added; “Being able to get support through the new Art Therapy Counsellor completely changed my Ousedale experience.

“Just having the knowledge that there was someone there for me to easily reach out to, made me feel so much calmer, and my eyes were opened to the support system of counsellors and teachers who truly cared about me at school.”
The school has employed an art technician who will be responsible for organising the next exhibition and ensuring as many people as possible get to see it.
They hope to work with local community groups and provide opportunities for them to display art or photography. If you would like to exhibit please email alyese.monk@ousedale.org.uk
For more details please visit www.ousedale.org.uk