Plans to help solve the city’s housing crisis at Landlord and Investor Summit, Milton Keynes
Posted 16th February 2017
Property landlords and investors gathered in Milton Keynes for a day of networking and blue sky thinking… including an exciting new plan to help solve the city’s housing crisis.
The second Landlord and Investor Summit, held at Stadium MK on Friday, February 10, was held to help property owners and investors to develop their businesses.
Neil Briggs is co-founder of the summit and Managing Director of the event’s sponsors, MK-based Inspired Sales and Letting. He said: “It was great to see so many people looking for information about the local property market. There are some very exciting opportunities and solutions. It is all about making valuable connections, which this summit does brilliantly.
“The summit provided the perfect platform for companies to get their ideas out to a wider audience. There were many interesting ideas, including a plan to bring some of the 300 unoccupied homes back into use.”
Conference-goers were told that the plan involves a property management company in discussion with the YMCA over renting out currently unoccupied properties.
Victoria Beale, the Co-Founder of the Landlord Summit, said: “The summit is all about creating opportunities and solutions for property landlords and investors. The plan is an interesting one as we see the Milton Keynes property landscape maturing and moving into an exciting and robust future.
“In terms of the summit, we are seeing an upsurge in interest from the sector, with an increase of 30 per cent in visitors to this second summit, compared to the inaugural event.”
The Landlord and Investor Summit is supported by some big names in MK, including Royal Bank of Scotland, Whitebox Property Solutions, LNPG, Carey Pensions, The Mortgage Store, Mortimers, Property Repossessions Spain, Optima Boilers, SAVA School of Surveying, ISIS Relocation and Wilson Brown Solicitors.
The next Landlord and Investor Summit will be held in Milton Keynes on June 16, 2017. Visit this site for details