‘Proud to plant a tree in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’
Posted 23rd October 2022
On a beautifully sunny and bright October morning dignitaries and students gathered in Thornton College’s stunning grounds to plant an Oak tree in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Platinum Jubilee Project.
The project encourages every community across the UK to plant a tree to help the environment. Oak trees in the UK support an estimated 2,300 species and a mature tree can absorb up to 150 kg of CO2 a year.
Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Mr Alexander Boswell attended the event and planted the tree alongside Mya, a student who has grown the Oak from a local Buckinghamshire acorn in memory of her grandfather, Mr Baggs. MK Mayor, Amanda Marlow attended the occasion alongside Sr Helen, Chair of Governors at Thornton College.
Dr Louise Shaw, Head Teacher at Thornton, welcomed guests at the start of the morning and shared details of the history of the school including that it was once a horticultural college for girls.
Mrs Jennifer Walker, Development and Marketing Director, shared with guests the efforts of Eco Club and Eco Committee students who achieved Eco Green Flag status for Thornton in 2021 as part of the international Eco Schools programme.
Sr Helen welcomed guests at the tree planting site and talked about how much Thornton is part of our local community and that “the tree is a symbol of how we at Thornton thrive and how we are proud to be part of a thriving county, Buckinghamshire, and a thriving new City, Milton Keynes”.
Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Mr Alexander Boswell, addressed the Eco Committee student representatives gathered for the occasion and spoke with them passionately about how important the Queen’s Green Canopy project is, especially in light of the current climate change challenge that we all face globally. He also shared his love for trees and King Charles’ love for trees and wildlife. He said, “In future girls, if you ever need reassurance you can come back and visit this tree and see that life has not changed too much. You will remember this day and that you planted this tree and helped to fight climate change”.
May N a student at Thornton College, donated the oak tree for planting on this occasion. Mya alongside her family said a few words in memory of her grandfather:
“Thornton means so much to me that I decided I wanted to donate this oak tree in memory of my grandpa John Baggs. He was the treasurer of The Friends of Thornton and loved working with the school. He was also a royalist so it seems very fitting that it’s also the tree that represents the Queens Green Canopy Tree Planting project”.
All Eco Committee representatives in attendance helped to plant the tree by spading in soil and Mr Mayhew, Head of Grounds, positioned the official Platinum Jubilee, Queen’s Green Canopy plaque. Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Mr Alexander Boswell closed the formalities with some words of thanks.
The Eco Committees will now log the new tree on the Queen’s Green Canopy virtual map for all to see and continue their work to look after our local and global environment.
The morning was a wonderful experience for all involved and Thornton is proud to plant a tree in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for the Queen’s Green Canopy project.