Singers surprise shoppers for Willen Hospice
Posted 2nd March 2020Shoppers in centre:mk were surprised by a ‘shanty flashmob’ in support of Willen Hospice on Saturday (29 Feb). Around 35 male singers descended on Middleton Hall with a chorus of shanties and acapella songs.
Singers were joined by a ukulele band, guitarists and even a Bouzouki! Bands and performers were all local, including Rollin’ Home, MKlele, MK Acapella and Sloop Groggy Dogs!
The flashmob was coordinated by Hospice supporter Bob Stott. He said: “These guys have come together from several different groups to perform and raise much needed funds for Willen Hospice. Thanks to each and every one of them who gave up their time and put on a fantastic show, and to the passing shoppers who listened and donated in the Willen buckets. Thank you also to New City Photographic Society for joining us.”
Willen Hospice needs to raise £4.7M a year, that’s £9 a minute, to continue to support local people and their families. It’s only thanks to the support of local people that they can continue to be there to care.