V4 Pedestrian Crossing Public Consultation
Posted 1st June 2017Two public drop-in sessions are being held in June on the three possible options for a pedestrian crossing on the V4 Watling Street (Junction 4).
The new crossing will link Fullers Slade with the new Fairfield estate of the Western Expansion Area close to the Kiln Farm Roundabout.
The drop in sessions will be held at the Safety Centre (Hazard Alley), 18 Carters Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes MK11 3ES on:
- Saturday 10 June between 10am and 2pm
- Wednesday 14 June between 4pm and 8pm
At these sessions you can find out information about the three possible options for this location, ask questions and make comments.
The three options are:
- An underpass
- A footbridge
- A signalised crossing g. pelican
MK Council has appointed 2020 Consultancy to conduct this consultation on their behalf which began on 22 May 2017 and ends at 5pm on 23 June 2017.
The other pedestrian crossing (underpass) for the Whitehouse/Two Mile Ash area at Junction 25 is not part of this consultation.
If you are unable to attend either of the drop-in sessions you can find out more information and make comments through our website at: www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/consultations
Alternatively email your comments to: info@2020consultancy.co.uk Or phone 023 8023 8489
You can also write to:
MK Council Highways Team
Synergy Park
Chesney Wold
Bleak Hall
Milton Keynes