Wildlife Reserve for 2018 on your doorstep!
Posted 29th January 2018
Conservation, sustainability and education are at the heart of Green Dragon Eco Farm. It’s 45 acres are already home to rare breed farm animals and pets. The next step is to celebrate native wildlife and broaden the outdoor learning program to inspire children to love nature and understand its conservation.
2018 will see the opening of a British & European wildlife reserve which will include animals such as red squirrels, deer and birds of prey and provide amazing hands-on experiences for visitors. It will support the protection and conservation of our wildlife through experiences and education. Responsibly-sourced, rehabilitated and rescued animals will be housed in extra-large enclosures and we plan to start captive breeding for release and translocation – moving animals to environments that suit their natural behaviours.
Funding for the building of the reserve will come from the business, a rural development grant and a fundraising campaign that will seek support from nature lovers to corporates – both local and nationwide. Green Dragon is into its second phase of fundraising through the online fundraising platform, ‘Just Giving’. To get involved with this exciting new resource in Buckinghamshire go to www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/greendragon-wildlife-reserve or contact Green Dragon on info@greendragonecofarm.co.uk or 01296 670444.